
May 13 - McDonald's Play Place Play Date

 Sydney opted not to eat lunch at her preschool Grandparents Day. Grandma Diamond gave her the option of McD's Play Place w/the cousins!


May 13 - Grandparents Day @ Sydney's Preschool

Mom had some pictures from her morning at Sydney's preschool for Grandparent's Day! They had a lot of fun. They skipped the lunch part it in exchange for a lunch out at McD's w/Noah and Ryan!

May 13 - Busy Morning

Ryan and I spent the morning picking up Natalie's cookie bouquet for her First Communion party and getting candy @ the candy store too!

 Downtown Naperville

May 11 - Luncheoning & American Girl Event

 Off to the Olive Garden for lunch w/Grandma Diamond!

 Grandma's library had an American Girl event. They always do such an awesome job w/their events!

 Crafts, snacks, stories, fun!
 Eating at Grandma's...imagine THAT!?
 Ry and Grandma picked some pretty flowers!
A pretty sunset I saw on the way home. This picture does not do justice to how beautiful it was. I took it w/my cell phone.

May 10 - Spring Day

This was on the bulletin board at church when we went for Religous Education class!

 Fun at the playground after school!

May 9 - Grandma Diamond - Alderman

 Mom invited us to the swearing-in ceremony at City Hall, for her 3rd term as an Alderman for the City of Plano.  Congratulations Grandma!

May 8 - Arlington Mother's Day Brunch

 Hubby planned a Mother's Day Brunch at Arlington Horse Race Track. We got all dressed-up, the girls put on their floppy hats and we pretended we were going to the Kentucky Derby! It was so beautiful there and we had so much fun. Brunch was fancy. Betting on the races was a blast. Even Ryan got in to it!It was a beautiful day all spending time w/my little family and creating memories like this. Hope to make this a tradition!?! :)

 Roses for the Mommies

 Ha! I had a big clip in my hair which made the hat sit like this...hahaha!

 Our view from the Million Room / brunch, overlooking the race track.

Let's go place some more bets!

Here come the horses