
Catey Cloverleaf Clan

Here are the lucky little leprechauns all decked out for St. Patrick's Day.
I have given them each a little nickname after taking these pictures,
just because they are so darn cute. Laugh if you must, but I couldn't resist...
Catey Cloverleaf Clan

Lady Lucky Charm

Princess Pot O' Gold

Prince St. Patrick

Happy St. Patrick's Day to you!


Beautiful - 56 degrees today!

Well, we had a beautiful day of weather, 56 degrees right now. Gotta love it. Although, as we all know around's not over. There is sleet on the way tomorrow and snow flurries most of the rest of the week.
Can't stop thinking about where we were a year ago....
Oh, the sun and warmth.....soon, again, soon! :)

So, last weekend, like I always do, found something to beat the winter blah's and get out of the house for awhile....CRAFTS CORNER on BOURBON STREET @

The girls loved this craft and especially mixing colors, like red & blue to make PURPLE, Amanda's favorite color! There were metallic paints too as well as glitter, sequins, feathers.

And after all of that hard work, we enjoyed some
Ben & Jerry's Scoop Shop on Bourbon Street. It is so quaint and cute in there. It's a replica of Bourbon Street in New Orleans. I've always wanted to go to New Orleans, so this is the next best thing. And keeping the spirit of Mardi Gras alive since it was over so soon this year. The girls had fun running up and down Bourbon Street too.

And then on Sunday, after a quick trip to Oakbrook shopping Center for a LAND OF NOD & Pottery Barn Kids fix, we celebrated Lisa's birthday at Cheesecake Factory, which has become a tradition now. Also, Ryan enjoyed the tradition of Cheesecake Factory with the bread & banana plate for babies. He doesn't eat bread yet, but he enjoyed the bananas mushed up from a spoon and in his baby safe feeder. Amanda started this tradition 2 years ago, followed by Sydney and now Ryan. I love traditions, both big and small.
Some of the group...Rob, Mom, Tom, Jane, Mary & Tony * Ryan * A rare photo of ME!
Singing Happy Birthday to Lisa and Auntie Mary snuggles RyRy!